
Gaurav Negi’s Click2commission vs Rainmaker Network

Rainmaker Network group, officially founded in 2011, has steadily built its reputation over the past decade to become a dominant force and industry leader in the CPA (cost per action) affiliate marketing sector. Known for setting high standards in customer service, transparency and loyalty to its clients, Rainmaker’s hard-earned identity now faces a serious threat of infringement from Indian competitor Click2commission and its CEO, Gaurav Negi.

Deliberate Campaign by Click2commission to Mislead and Usurp Rainmaker Brand

Initially welcomed as a partner on the Rainmaker platform in 2017, Click2commission and CEO Gaurav Negi expressed admiration for Rainmaker’s success during a meeting at Affiliate World Asia in December 2017. But in 2022, once cordial relations took an abrupt turn as Click2commission actively began contacting different prospects, including Rainmaker’s clients, intentionally misleading them by using the Rainmaker name in communications in an attempt to poach these lucrative clients.

The Click2commission website shows even more blatant infringement and dishonesty, having adopted a logo, color scheme and overall visual branding nearly identical to Rainmaker’s. Click2commission has also duplicated portions of Rainmaker’s website verbatim without permission. This brazen imitation has already caused substantial confusion among Rainmaker’s loyal customers and indignation among Rainmaker leadership.

Rainmaker Responds Decisively to Protect Brand Integrity

In April 2022, Rainmaker’s legal team formally registered and trademarked its name, logo and other branding assets as an initial step to prevent further unauthorized use and copying. Rainmaker also hired several law firms, which sent letters of formal notice to Click2commission, but never received a reply. However, these efforts did not deter Click2commission and CEO Gaurav Negi from continuing their wide-ranging brand infringement across multiple channels.

With its reputation and client relationships at stake, Rainmaker Network has no intention of remaining silent or passive. Rainmaker has assembled a legal team to initiate comprehensive litigation procedures in India, including extensive evidence gathering and preparation of documents to protect its domain name, trademarks, website content and other brand assets against the deliberate infringement campaign orchestrated by Click2commission with the instructions of its CEO, Gaurav Negi.

Swift Legal Action Needed Against Serial Offender Gaurav Negi

For years, Negi and Click2commission have been systematically and intentionally eroding all the trust, reputation and goodwill Rainmaker Network has built since its founding. Rainmaker seeks urgent legal intervention and resolution to protect its brand integrity and assets.

Rainmaker Looks to Resume Growth After Resolution

Rainmaker aims for a swift and decisive legal victory so it can move forward and continue the expansion and client trust built since its founding. With its brand under attack, Rainmaker Network remains fiercely committed to defending its identity and integrity against serial brand infringement by Click2commission and orchestrated by Gaurav Negi. Rainmaker looks forward to resuming its innovation and growth for years to come after fighting back against this threat.

Rainmaker will always “Stay true to itself! As An original is worth more than a copy” S. Kassem